Content Management/Administration


The All Academic Administration Editor allows administrators to control all of the most important features of the site. Administrators can control user access, text displayed in the software, options available to users and more. The interface is easy to access, and powerful.

Administration Editor


Controlling Access

Administrators can control who sees which features, and when based on the users' group access. For example, the program/schedule can be released early to a program committee while leaving the program hidden from general users. Submission can be set to close at a specific date and time.

Access control



Editing Content

Administrators can change the most commonly edited text using a rich text editor. 

Rich text editor


Additionally, administrators can:

  • Create and manage types of submissions.
  • Set limits on the number of participants in a session.
  • Set limits to the number of sessions that can be created or accepted per management unit.
  • Monitor the submissions and review processes.
  • and much more.